ExecutablesGiven a data set and a cosmological model, CAMEL can be used to perform:
For each case, you will find a different executable. Write CMB Power SpectraTo write a CMB power spectrum given some parameters, use the executable writeSpectra parfile(in) lmax(in) cl.fits(out) TODO: describe OUTPUT Compute χ2 (and check your parmeter file)To compute χ2 for a given set of parameters and combination of likelihoods, use the executable writeChi2 parfile(in) [clfile(out)] TODO: describe OUTPUT Parameter scanTo compute χ2 for several values of one parameter (all other parameters being fixed) based on a combination of likelihoods, use the executable ScanParam parfile(in) varname xmin xmax Npt TODO: describe OUTPUT The previous executables can be run interactively. From now on all the followig ones should be run in batch mode cc-in2p3 users: see some scripts for submitting the follwing jobs under Best-fit estimationTo perform a bestfit estimation, use the executable Minimize parfile(in) bestfit(out) [covmat(out)] TODO: describe OUTPUT ProfileTo run a profile likelihood, use the executable Profile parfile(in) varname xmin xmax Npt In practice, it is usually less time consuming to perform
you should keep back the printout file. Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC)To run a MCMC chain, use the executable mcmc parfile(in) samplesfile(out) TODO: describe OUTPUT |