DECSetupOn this page... (hide) Your working shell should be bash Always use the following initializations (for instance in your .bashrc file) . /dec/users/plaszczy/lib/CMT/v1r24/mgr/ export CAMEL_DATA=/datadec/camel_data export CMTCLASS=/dec/users/plaszczy/cmtlib export CMTPATH=/dec/users/plaszczy/cmtlib 1. Learning CAMELThere is a dedicated CAMEL branch : follow this link 2. Using CAMEL for your own analysisFor a more expert work I suggest you rather use the HEAD version, as explained here
Use 3. Using your modified CLASS versionthat's pretty obvious : simply modify CMTCLASS to your path for CLASS: this requires however some CMT-like structure for your code as class/HEAD More here 4. Adding your own likelihoodthis is explained here (use the CAMEL/HEAD version) 5. Using CAMEL+AngPow=camgal (executables)Here you don't need to compile explicitly CAMEL. Follow this link You may add (optionally) the following variable to your init but I have not seen much improvement. export FFTWDIR=/dec/users/plaszczy/lib/fftw-3.3.7 |